Control Actions

Control actions automate and regulate commands within the system to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. By remotely adjusting device settings, these actions optimize energy usage and enhance performance. For example, control actions can maintain consistent store temperatures and monitor fluctuations to ensure they stay within acceptable limits.

Within the Control Actions tab you can:

  • Create new actions: Configure actions to fit your operational needs.

  • Clone existing actions: Copy actions to save time.

  • Export results: Download data for analysis.

  • Click the control action number to open the Control Action Detail and manage its configuration.

Create control action

Set up actions to automate your system operations. Define essential details, including action type, scheduling, and approval processes. Specify criteria such as the target site, system components, and adjustments to setpoints or controller attributes. You can create a control action using a template, which automatically completes some fields to save time. Alternatively, you can create a control action from scratch.

  1. Navigate to Control Actions and click New.

  2. Choose whether to use a template:

    • If yes, select a template and click Select.

    • If not, click Select without selecting a template.

  3. Click Select.

  4. Complete the necessary fields under Control Action Detail.

  5. Click Save.

Clone action

Duplicate existing actions to save configuration time.

  1. Navigate to Control Actions.

  2. Select one or more actions and click Clone action.

Export results

Export control action data for analysis or reporting purposes.

  1. Navigate to Control Actions.

  2. Select one or more actions and click Export results.

  3. Click the download icon in the Export action results window.

    The document downloads to your browser’s downloads folder.